• Different Types of Abscess

    There are different types of the abscess. Here are the three most common types of the abscess, including:

    – Periapical Abscess:

    If the abscess occurs at the center of the tooth and tip of the tooth’s root, it is called periapical abscess or tooth abscess, which is the most common type of abscess. It is caused by entering the bacteria into the pulp within the teeth and tooth decay. It occurs when the nerves in the tooth are dead, and there is a cavity in the tooth.

    – Periodontal Abscess:

    Periodontal abscess or gum abscess forms next to the tooth’s root on the gum. In this case, there is an infection in the space between the gum and the tooth. The reason is food particles are getting trapped in the spaces between the tooth and the gum. Also, it can be caused by gum disease or injury. If it is left untreated, the bacteria will be built up under the gum, and the infection can spread to the other part of the gum tissue and your jawbone.

    – Gingival Abscess:

    If there is a pocket of pus on your gums, it is a gingival abscess. Usually, it is caused when a foreign body such as a toothbrush bristle or popcorn hull is getting embedded in the gums.


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